
Here's a short little guide for doing mindfulness meditation I've stolen from the comments section of a YouTube video (

Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples Notes Part 1:

Mindfulness Practice Step by Step Simple Instructions:

  1. Set a timer for 20 minutes

  2. Run the 10-second cycles for the entire 20 minutes: (1) Note, (2) Label, (3) Savor. Let your mind focus on whatever it wants to focus on. Whatever is most salient.

Mindfulness Practice Step by Step In-Depth Instructions:

  1. Find an object in your present awareness. There’s basically three main modes through which you experience things: (1) Seeing (See with your eyes), (2) Hearing (Hear with your ears), (3) Feeling (Feeling with your body).
  2. Note it. Note for noticing. Notice the fact it is an object. It takes a split second. Example: Oh Yeah! I’m looking at an object! (You’re going to say it to yourself in your internal dialogue).
  3. Label it. Silent label. You’re going to say it to yourself in your internal dialogue. Label based on the channel you’re experiencing the object. Do NOT label if it is inner or outer. Just label based on the 3 basic channels: (1) See, (2) Hear, (3) Feel, even if it is internal or external. (4) Savor the experience, take in the raw perceptions that are there, take that in exactly as it is right now in the present moment, and you’re going to do that for 5-7 seconds. We’re not concerned about any judgments, conceptualizations, or stories about the object, here we’re only concerned about what’s actually literally there in your present awareness.

Technical Note (Examples):

There’s actually 6 channels in this case from the basic 3: (1) Outer Seeing (See with your eyes, i.e. physical red juicy apple), (2) Inner Seeing (See with your mind’s eye, i.e. imaginary red juicy apple), (3) Outer Hearing (Hear with your ears, i.e. bird chirping outside), (4) Inner Hearing (Hear with your mind’s ear, i.e. internal dialogue), (5) Outer Feeling (Feel with your body, i.e. physical sensations in your feet or even your heartbeat inside your body), (6) Inner Feeling (Feel your emotions, i.e. happiness, sadness).


